Selasa, 15 Januari 2013


Sudah cukup lama mungkin lama sekali faiz1801 tidak update karena terlalu sibuk disekolah dan hanya mengurus blog ini sendirian..,ok langsung saja kali ini saya mau ngeshare aplikasi yang bisa membuat laptop sobat menjadi hotspot, software ini bernama Connectify Pro 3.7.1 dan software ini saya berkan gratis dilengkapi dengan serial dan keygennya,walaupun sudah cukup lama sekali software in sudah beredar tapi tidak apalah :D,disini sobat bisa transfer file dan peer to peer sesama user/pengguna


Download Link:
What's New:
  • Easy to organize a complete access point Wi-Fi.
  • Started Wizard program.
  • To ensure the security of the encryption WPA2-PSK or WEP.
  • Convenient control from the system tray.
  • Higher performance - up to 30% higher throughput when using high-speed Internet connection.
  • Improved identification of Xbox 360 and some devices from Motorola.
  • Completely new implementation of UPnP - improved performance, no more false alarms.
  • An all-new user interface with tabs.
  • Intelligent warnings when connecting a hotspot without having to connect to the Internet.
  • UI resizable - grab the top or bottom of the window and change the size of the user interface to the preferred height.
  • New, cleaner status area across the top of the interface.
  • Easy access to the menu by pressing the Connectify logo near the Start / Stop buttons.
  • Service launch at startup.
  • Multi-monitor support, in cases when the taskbar is not on the primary monitor. A new algorithm for choosing IP-address hotspot improves compatibility with devices IOS.
Jika ada masalah silakan tinggalkan komentar anda disini

1 komentar:

Syafrizal Setiabudi mengatakan...

keygen dan serialnya gak bisa di download.
"invalid or deleted file"

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